About Me

Hi! My Name is Terrell Glenn, and I am a doctoral candidate in the School of Mechanical Engineering at Purdue University as a National GEM Consortium Fellow, George Washington Carver Fellow, and a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellow Program award recipient. Prior to joining the C Design Lab, I received a B.S. in Physics from Morehouse College in Atlanta, Georgia (2016). While at Morehouse, I conducted research in swarm robotics as part of a Minority University Research and Education Project (MUREP) in accordance with NASA, and worked as a Platform Analysis Intern at Intel Corporation. Since starting my Ph.D, I have impacted nearly 200 students (age = 9 - 18) with my research, served as a mentor in the Head’s Up Mentoring Program in Lafayette, started the Indianapolis STEAM Fair, and continue to be a servant leader to my community.
In addition to being a student, I am also a business owner! Flare Tech: Laser & Design is my way of connecting with my artistic side. The mission of Flare Tech is simple: To Spark Creativity and Innovation Through Laser-Enabled Services.

So Why Laser Cutting (For the Nerds)?
In 2016, I was introduced to my very first laser cutter! My laboratory at Purdue University purchased a Full Spectrum Laser PS24 Pro-Series Laser System for our research and it started from there! I was trained on all the cool features, safety requirements, and all things needed for using Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation (LASER) to create cool stuff for my friends :)
Seriously though, from there I was taught how to manipulate the various properties of different materials, specifically cardboard, and started making gifts for the holidays. Once I started doing that, I posted pictures on social media and people began asking me for more. Experimenting with different materials opened the door for so much more! I’m talking wood, acrylic, paper, and even glass! Of course these items were just gifts (i.e. free for the recipients) but it led to my investment in my beloved Flarietta and here we are :D
Creativity is the breeding ground of innovation. By being creative, we unlock the potential to design comprehensible solutions to really complex problems.” ~Terrell Glenn
You can support me and my business by checking out my website at www.FlareTechLaser.com or by emailing me at FlareTechLaser@gmail.com.

In my free time, I enjoy listening to music, hanging out with my friends, and video games! I also love sports and am an avid Cleveland Sports fanatic (Yes, I am talking about the Browns, Cavs, Indians/Guardians, and THE Ohio State Buckeyes). Finally, back in September 2020, I started a hair journey by starting my locs! I love my hair growth so far and am super excited to see where this journey takes me!